If you are looking for a powerful file manager ready to use in your web projects and simple to customize, take a look at this list with the best and free file manager currently in circulation. Some of these file managers support PHP only or javascript only or Ajax that will give you powerful tool to easily browse directories & files on the server, search, upload and download files, edit, copy, move, delete files and more.
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AjaXplorer is a free Ajax file manager with an easy-to-install file explorer for remotely managing files on a web server. Its “rich client” layout and actions make it accessible to any end-user for a variety of purposes: file management/sharing, photo gallery, code browsing, etc. Only PHP (4 or 5) is necessary, no database needed.
- Rename/Copy/Move/Delete/Download files or folders
- Upload multiple files and track status with progress bar (Flash required and no https)
- Create folders and empty files
- Edit Text files and code files (js, php, html, java, sql, perl), syntax is highlighted in the editor
- View Images online, preview images in the list, diaporama of a given folder
- Listen to MP3sonline without downloading them
- View Flash videos (FLV) online and full screen.
- Browse and Extract ZIP files online
fileNice is a free php file browser, particularly useful if you have a ‘dump’ folder on your server where you regularly upload files and you want to be able to see what’s there.
File Thingie is a small web-based file manager written in PHP. It is intended for those who need to give others access to a part of their server’s file system when FTP is not practical. Through File Thingie you and your users get access to the most common functions:
- Simple — Just one file
- Upload multiple files at once
- Multiple users and user groups
- Create subdirectories
- Rename, move, delete and copy files and folders
- Search for file and folder names
- Control access to files based on black- or whitelists
- Edit text files
- Unzip files without downloading
- Easy customization of the CSS based layout
- Translate into your own language
A MooTools based File-Manager for the web that allows you to (pre)view, upload and modify files and folders via the browser. Features include:
- Browse through Files and Folders on your Server
- Rename, Delete, Move (Drag&Drop), Copy (Drag + hold CTRL) and Download Files
- View detailed Previews of Images, Text-Files, Compressed-Files or Audio Content
- Nice User Interface
- Upload Files via FancyUpload (integrated Feature)
- Option to automatically resize big Images when uploading
- Use it to select a File anywhere you need to specify one inside your Application’s Backend
- Use as a FileManager in TinyMCE
Relay is a wonderful piece of ajax code written with the aid of the prototype ajax toolkit. It does a wonderful job of uploading / downloading and managing files on your private server, let’s check out some of its features:
- drag-n-drop files and folders
- dynamic loading file structure
- upload progress bar
- thumbnail view, including pdf
- multiple users & accounts
KFM is an online file manager which can be used on its own, or as a plugin for a rich-text editor such as FCKeditor or TinyMCE. KFM is Open Source, and you are free to use it in any project, whether free or commercial. Let’s check out some of its features: drag-and-drop everything, icon-view, list-view, plugins, image manipulations, slideshows, easy installation and upgrades, syntax-highlighting text editor, search engine, tagging, multi-lingual. plugins for mp3 playback, video playback.
eXtplorer is a web-based File Manager. You can use it to. Features include:
- browse directories & files on the server and
- edit, copy, move, delete files,
- search, upload and download files,
- create and extract archives,
- create new files and directories,
- change file permissions (chmod) and much more…
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